Engineering/Environmental ServicesProfessional, Support and Related Businesses
About Us
Advanced power and energy systems, energy conversion system optimization, environmental chemistry, environmental control technologies, coal quality impacts on power plants, fossil energy resources (oil, gas, and coal), hydrogen production, distribution, and fuel cell technology, waste utilization, management and site remediation, water management, renewable energy (biomass, wind, alternative fuels), coal-ash research, training & conferences
Rep/Contact Info
Ms. Charlene Crocker
Ms. Charlene Crocker
Senior Research Scientist, Outreach Team Lead
- Phone: (701) 777-5018
- Send an Email
Janelle Ensrud
Janelle Ensrud
PCOR Partnership Event Coordinator and Partner Relations
- Phone: (701) 777-5060
- Send an Email
Mr. Tom Erickson
Mr. Tom Erickson
Director of Exploratory Research & Intellectual Property/Technology Commercialization
- Phone: (701) 701-5000
- Send an Email
Mr. Bruce Folkedahl Ph.D.
Mr. John Harju
Mr. John Kay
Mr. Jason Laumb

View Personal Bio
Ms. Angie Morgan
Angela M. Morgan, Administrative Assistant, provides direct assistance to the Coal Utilization Group Lead, Emissions and Carbon Capture Group Lead, Principal Process Engineer, and associated technical staff, including scheduling, communications, document production, and other related activities. She holds an Associate in Science degree in Business and a Bachelor of Science in Applied Management from the University of Minnesota, Crookston.
Mr. Wes Peck
Ms. Patti Reimer
Ms. Lucia Romuld
Ms. Lucia Romuld
Principal Industrial and Management Engineer - Proposals, Resources, and Logistics
- Phone: (701) 777-5223
- Send an Email
Rhonda Shirek
Rhonda Shirek
Assistant to the Vice President for Strategic Partnerships
- Phone: (701) 777-5122
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Mr. James Sorensen
Mr. Joshua Stanislowski
Ms. Tami Votava
Mr. Christopher Zygarlicke
Mr. Christopher Zygarlicke
Director of Employee Development and Engagement
- Phone: (701) 777-5123
- Send an Email